Alumni Directory

CBM graduates have obtained exciting, competitive positions in academia (including junior faculty positions) and a broad spectrum of jobs in industry that utilize their advanced computational and biology training.

Entry Student Undergraduate Degree Inst Pubs Current Position
2010 Aksoy, B. Arman Bogazici University Chris Sander SKI view pubs Senior Scientist, MOMA Therapeutics
2008 Barker, Brandon University of Kentucky Zhenglong Gu CU-I view pubs Computational Scientist, Center for Advanced Computing, Cornell University
2003 Basu, Amrita Cornell University David Allis RU view pubs Assistant Professor, University of California, San Francisco
2013 Behr, Julie Penn State University Marcin Imielinski WCM view pubs Data Scientist, Rome Therapeutics
2018 Bielski, Craig Massachusetts Institute of Technology Nikolaus Schultz MSK view pubs Principal Computational Biologist, Loxo Oncology
2006 Bomash, Illya Harvard University Sheila Nirenberg WCM view pubs Managing Data Scientist, Knewton Inc., New York
2011 Braiman, Chananel Columbia University Nicholas Schiff WCM view pubs Data Scientist, HMS (Hospital and Healthcare)
2019 Brenner Clerkin, Ariana University of Pennsylvania Viviana Risca RU Postoctoral Fellow, Prof. John Chodera, MSK
2016 Burdziak, Cassandra Rutgers University Dana Pe’er SKI view pubs Postdoctoral Fellow, Prof. Dana Pe’er, MSKCC
2008 Carty, Mark The City College of New York Olivier Elemento,
Christina Leslie
WCM/SKI view pubs Computational Scientist in Computational Oncology, Tempus, Inc.
2007 Cerami, Ethan Columbia University Chris Sander SKI view pubs Director, Knowledge Systems Group, Department of Biostatistics and Computational Biology, Dana Farber Cancer Institute
2008 Chambwe, Nyasha Jackson State University Fabien Campagne WCM view pubs Senior Bioinformatics Research Scientist, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
2011 Chandramohan, Dhruva New York University Chris Mason WCM view pubs Senior Bioinformatics Scientist, Natera
2009 Chang, Diana Barnard College Alon Keinan CU-I view pubs Scientist, Bioinformatics, Genentech, San Francisco, CA
2018 Chatila, Walid University of Texas, Austin Nikolaus Schultz SKI view pubs Senior Computational Biologist, Prof. Nikolaus Schultz, MSKCC
2008 Cheng, Yu-Kang Cornell University Franziska Michor SKI view pubs Software Engineer, Google, Massachusetts
2003 Chi, Sung-Wook Korea University Robert Darnell RU view pubs Associate Professor, Korea University
2017 Chin, Christopher Providence College Christopher Mason
Ari Melnick
WCM view pubs Postdoctoral Associate, Ari Melnick Lab, WCM
2009 Cornforth, Theodore University of Oregon Hod Lipson CU-I view pubs To be determined
2016 Danko, David Massachusetts Institute of Technology Christopher Mason WCM view pubs Associate, Newlight Partners
2019 Darmofal, Madison Massachusetts Institute of Technology Michael Berger,
Quaid Morris
MSK view pubs Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Prof. Michael Berger, MSK
2013 Davidson, Natalie University of California, Santa Barbara Gunnar Ratsch WCM view pubs Postdoctoral Fellow, Prof. Gunnar Rätsch, ETH Zürich
2016 Deshpande, Aditya B.J. Medical College, Pune Marcin Imielinski WCM view pubs Computational Biologist, Isabl Inc.
2008 DeVargas Roditi, Laura University of Brazil Joao Xavier SKI view pubs Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, Prof. Andreas Moor, ETH Zürich

Doane, Ashley

The City College of New York

Olivier Elemento


view pubs

Postdoctoral Research Associate, Prof. Olivier Elemento, Weill Cornell Medicine
2012 Doktorova, Milka Mount Holyoke College Harel Weinstein,
Gerald Feigenson
WCM view pubs Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Prof. Ilya Levental, University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston
2013 Dukler, Noah State University of New York, Geneseo Adam Siepel WCM view pubs Computational Scientist, Arpeggio Biosciences
2015 Elkhader, Jamal Massachusetts Institute of Technology Olivier Elemento WCM view pubs Impact Fellow, Mission BioCapital
2012 Fairchild, Lauren University of Texas, Austin Christina Leslie SKI view pubs Computational Biology Investigator, Novartis
2016 Fansler, Mervin Millersville University of PA Christine Mayr SKI view pubs Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Christine Mayr Lab, MSKCC.
2014 Fass, Joshua University of Virginia John Chodera SKI view pubs Research Software Engineer, Relay Therapeutics
2016 Funnell, Tyler University of Northern British Columbia Sohrab Shah SKI view pubs Senior Computational Biologist, Prof. Marcel van den Brink, MSKCC
2018 Gao, Vianne Carleton College Christina Leslie MSK To be determined
2012 Gayvert, Kaitlyn SUNY Genesco Olivier Elemento WCM view pubs Associate Director of Informatics, Fractal Therapeutics
2016 Gilvary, Coryandar Temple University Olivier Elemento WCM view pubs Chief Data Scientist, One Three Biotech
2015 Gorelick, Alexander McGill University Barry Taylor SKI view pubs Postdoctoral Scholar, Prof. Johannes Reiter, Stanford University
2004 Hu, Qin Peking University Jonathan Victor WCM view pubs Graphics Engineer, 343 Industries, Seattle, WA
2009 Hunter-Zinck, Haley UC San Diego Andy Clark CU-I view pubs Health Scientist Specialist, VA Healthcare Systems, Boston, MA
2013 Hyland, Stephanie Trinity College, Dublin Gunnar Ratsch WCM view pubs Senior Researcher, Microsoft UK
2003 Ingólfsson, Helgi University of Iceland Olaf Andersen WCM view pubs Researcher, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
2017 Joglekar, Anoushka Ohio State University Hagen Tilgner
M. Elizabeth Ross
WCM view pubs Postdoctoral Fellow, Prof. Gamze Gursoy, New York Genome Center
2016 Johnson, Kofi University of Ottawa Marcin Imielinski WCM view pubs Associate, McKinsey & Co.
2007 Kaushik, Poorvi Manipal Institute of Technology Chris Sander SKI view pubs Computational Scientist, Park Assist
2005 Kenny, Eimear University of Dublin, Trinity College Jan Breslow,
Itsik Pe’er
RU view pubs Professor, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
2005 Kim, Minsoo Johns Hopkins University Sohrab Shah,
Ed Reznik
MSK To be determined
2016 Krishna, Chirag University of California, San Diego Christina Leslie,
Timothy Chan
SKI view pubs Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Dr. Ramnik Xavier, Broad Institute of MIT & Harvard
2016 La, Konnor University of California, Berkeley Andrew Clark,
Kivanç Birsoy
view pubs Associate, McKinsey & Company
2006 Lee, Melanie University of California, Los Angeles Emre Aksay WCM view pubs Bioinformatics Scientist, One Lambda, Inc., A Thermo Fisher Scientific Brand
2016 MacKay, Matthew Purdue University Christopher Mason WCM view pubs Head of Emerging Genomic Technology, Tempus
2013 Madhukar, Neel University of Tennessee Olivier Elemento WCM view pubs CEO/Co-Founder, OneThree Biotech
Startup Postdoc at Runway, Jacobs Institute
2003 Maoz, Anat Tel Aviv University David Christini WCM view pubs Investigator, Gertner Institute for Epidemiology and Health Policy Research, Israel
2017 Marderstein, Andrew Cornell University Olivier Elemento
Andrew Clark
view pubs Postdoctoral Fellow, Prof. Stephen Montgomery, Stanford University
2014 McIntyre, Alexa McGill University Christopher Mason WCM view pubs Postdoctoral Fellow, Professor Lucas Pelkmans, University of Zurich
2017 Meleshko, Dmitrii Far East Transport University, Russia Iman Hajirasouliha WCM view pubs Assistant Professor, ITMO University, Russia
2012 Melman, Tamar Carnegie Mellon University Jonathan Victor WCM view pubs Computational Scientist, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
2011 Meyer, Michael MIT Haiyuan YU CU-I view pubs Senior Scientist, 4Catalyzer, Medical Devices Industry, CT
2009 Mohammed, Jaaved University of Florida Eric Lai,
Adam Siepel
SKI/WCM view pubs Postdoctoral Fellow, Dr. Joanna Wysocka, Stanford University
2007 Molinelli, Evan William and Mary Chris Sander SKI view pubs Senior Software Engineer, BioDigital Inc., New York
2012 Monaco, Hilary MIT Joao Xavier SKI view pubs Postdoctoral Fellow, Prof. Jose Clemente, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
2007 Moore Vogel, Julia Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Zhirong Bao SKI view pubs Associate Director, The Scripps Research Institute
2007 Murphy, Charles University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Olivier Elemento,
Lewis Cantley
WCM view pubs Senior Computational Biologist, MSKCC
2010 Nauvel, Tanya TanyaBates College Nicholas Schiff WCM view pubs Medical School, SUNY Downstate
2007 Nichols, Zachary University of South Carolina Sheila Nirenberg,
Jonathan Victor
WCM view pubs Machine Learning, Facebook
2010 Nitzany, Eyal Tel Aviv University Shimon Edelman,
Jonathan Victor



view pubs Postdoctoral Fellow, Prof. David Schwab, Northwestern University and Prof. Stephanie Palmer, University of Chicago
2005 Ng, Patrick Cornell University Uri Keich CU-I view pubs AI Engineer, Amazon Web Services
2017 Niu, Xiang (Steve) UC Davis Dan Avi Landau WCM view pubs AI Data Scientist, Genentech
2017 Omans, Nathaniel Beloit College Dan Avi Landau WCM view pubs To be determined
2021 Periyakoil, Preethi California Institute of Technology Christina Leslie MSK view pubs Medical School
2018 Pine, Allison Tufts University Christina Leslie SKI view pubs Computational Genomics Research Scientist, Vertex Pharmaceuticals
2011 Pipes, Lenore Johns Hopkins University Chris Mason,
Adam Siepel
WCM view pubs Postdoctoral Fellow, Nielsen Lab, UC Berkeley
2019 Pourmaleki, Maryam Vassar College Sohrab Shah,
Ingo Mellinghoff
MSK view pubs Postdoctoral Scholar, Stanford University
2011 Redmond, David Birbeck, London Olivier Elemento WCM view pubs Assistant Professor, Computational Biology Research in Medicine, Weill Cornell
2012 Reeves, Darryl Stanford University Chris Mason WCM view pubs Industry Assistant Professor, NYU Tandon School of Engineering
2008 Reichel, Jonathan University of Maryland Ethel Cesarman WCM view pubs Lead Bioinformatics Scientist, Innovation Laboratory, Center for Molecular Oncology, MSKCC
2011 Reichenbach (Braiman), Chagit Columbia University Nicholas Schiff WCM view pubs Machine Learning Consultant, KPMG, London, UK
2020 Retchin, Michael

Columbia University

John Chodera

MSK To be determined
2015 Ricketts, Camir

University of Georgia

Iman Hajirasouliha


view pubs

Bioinformatics Scientist – AI, NVIDIA Genomics
2014 Rizzi, Andrea Politecnico di Milano Technical University John Chodera SKI view pubs Postdoctoral Fellow, Prof. Michele Parrinello, Italian Institute of Technology and Prof. Paolo Carloni, Forschungszentrum Jülich (Germany)
2005 Roberts, Byron University of Californa, Davis David Christini WCM view pubs Patent Agent, Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP
2010 Saletore, Yogesh University of Washington Chris Mason WCM view pubs Bioinformatics Scientist, Talis Biomedical Corporation, Menlo Park, CA
2015 Sahin, Merve Middle East Technical University Christina Leslie SKI view pubs Data Scientist, Warner Music Group, New York
2014 Schaumberg, Andrew University of Wisconsin, Platteville Thomas Fuchs MSK view pubs Postdoctoral Fellow, Prof. Faisal Mahmood, Harvard Medical School
2018 Schweickart, Annalise Harvey Mudd Jan Krumsiek WCM view pubs Post-doctoral Associate, Krumsiek Lab, WCM
2016 Seidman, Daniel Brown University Amy Williams CU-I view pubs To be determined
2010 Shenker, Solomon McGill University Eric Lai WCM view pubs Senior Scientist, KSQ Therapeutics, Inc.
2010 Singh, Irtisha Carnegie Mellon Christina Leslie SKI view pubs Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University
2015 Srinivasan, Preethi Anna University Mike Berger SKI view pubs Staff Scientist, Stanford Cancer Institute
2018 Tayyebi, Zakieh Sharif University of Technology, Iran Christina Leslie MSK Computational Biologist, Immunai
2020 Tazi, Yanis Mines Paris Tech Winrich Freiwald RU view pubs Data Scientist, Biomarker Analytics, Johnson & Johnson
2006 Terry, Daniel Purdue University Harel Weinstein,
Scott Blanchard
WCM view pubs Scientific Manager, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
2008 Tischfield, Sam Rutgers University Scott Keeney SKI view pubs Research Fellow, Computational Oncology, MSKCC
2013 Tippens, Nathaniel Johns Hopkins University John Lis,
Haiyuan Yu
CU-I view pubs Postdoctoral Fellow, Prof. Jim Collins, MIT
2018 Torborg, Stefan University of Pennsylvania Tuomas Tammela MSK Medical School
2014 Torok, Justin Cornell University Ashish Raj WCM view pubs Postdoctoral Fellow, Prof. Ashish Raj, UCSF
2016 Verma, Akanksha Hunter College Olivier Elemento WCM view pubs Scientist, Computational Biology at Volastra Therapeutics
2012 Vijay, Priyanka Rutgers University Christopher Mason WCM view pubs Senior Scientist, AbbVie Inc.
2013 Wang, Yiping Duke University Zhenglong Gu WCM view pubs Postdoctoral Fellow, Prof. Benjamin Izar, Columbia Medical Center
2019 Weiner, Adam University of California, Los Angeles Sohrab Shah MSK view pubs Postdoctoral Fellow, Prof. Sohrab Shah, MSK
2004 Wellock, Cameron Brock University George Reeke RU view pubs VP Data Science, Celmatix
2016 Xie, Chensu Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Serge Belongie
Thomas Fuchs
CU-I Principal AI Scientist at PathomIQ
2017 Xie, Yubin Zhejiang University Dana Pe’er SKI Machine Learning Scientist, Company
2010 Yang, Julie Carnegie Mellon University Christina Leslie SKI view pubs Senior Computational Biologist, MSKCC
2015 Yao, Xiaotong Zhejiang University Marcin Imielinski WCM view pubs Bioinformatics Scientist, Guardant Health
2017 Yaron, Tomer Bar-Ilan University, Israel Olivier Elemento
Lewis Cantley
SKI view pubs MD-PhD Program, Columbia University
2014 Yu, Angela University of Pennsylvania Christina Leslie,
Julius Lucks
SKI view pubs Postdoctoral Fellow, Prof. Georg Seelig, University of Washington
2013 Yuan, Han Washington University Christina Leslie SKI view pubs Computational Biologist, Calico Life Sciences
2011 Zawack, Kelson Carleton College James Booth,
Yrjo Grohn
CU-I view pubs Postdoctoral Fellow, Professor Hongyu Zhao, Yale
2018 Zhang, Ivy Washington University in St. Louis John Chodera MSK Scientist, Next Generation Medicine Design, Bristol Myers Squibb