Program of Study

Program of Study

Course requirements are tailored individually based on the student’s background and interests to ensure that they have a solid and rigorous computational biology foundation.

As an interdisciplinary program, CBM has implemented a focused, but flexible curriculum and requires students to obtain knowledge of fundamental principles in biology, computational science, and mathematics to ensure competency within these disciplines.


Students must complete 4 courses in year 1 (totaling 12 credits) from the list of core-level coursework and approved electives below. Note that this is a reference guide only and course offerings and availability vary each semester.

Approved Core-Level Coursework

Course Code Credits Course Name Offered Category Campus
CMPB 5001 01 4 credits Dynamic Models in Biology Fall Quantitative Weill Cornell
CMPB 5002 01 4 credits Data Structures & Algorithms for Computational Biology Fall Quantitative Weill Cornell
CMPB 5005 03 4 credits Functional Interpretation of High-Throughput Data Spring Quantitative Weill Cornell
PBSB 9003 01 3.5 credits Foundations of Data Science Fall Quantitative Weill Cornell
PBSB 9009 01 7.5 credits Quantitative Information in Biological Systems Fall Quantitative Weill Cornell
BTRY 4830/6830 3 credits Quantitative Genomics and Genetics
(crosslisted at WCM as PBSB 9021)
Spring Quantitative Cornell-Ithaca
CS 5785 3 credits Applied Machine Learning Fall Quantitative Cornell Tech

Approved Electives (updated June 28, 2023)

Course Code Credits Course Name     Offered Category Institution
CMPB 5004 03 4 credits Analysis of Next Generation Sequencing Data Spring Quantitative Weill Cornell
NUER 9013 1.5 credits Mathematical Structures in Neuroscience Fall Quantitative Weill Cornell
CMPB 5003 01 4 credits Cellular and Molecular Biology Fall Biological Weill Cornell
PBSB 9019 0.5 credits Clinical and Research Genomics Spring Quantitative Weill Cornell
PBSB 9024 5 credits Core Principles of Molecular Biophysics Spring Biological Weill Cornell
PHAR 9008 04 3 credits Principles of Pharmacology IV: Pharmacology of Cancer Spring Biological Weill Cornell
NEUR 9001
NEUR 5003.03
1.5 credits
1.5 credits
From Neuron to the Brain I
From Neuron to the Brain II



Biological Weill Cornell
NEUR 9020 1.5 credits Clinical Genetics for Neuroscientists Fall Biological Weill Cornell
NEUR 9003 03 1.5 credits Introduction to Neuroimmunology Spring Biological Weill Cornell
IAMP 5001
IAMP 5002
5.5 credits
4.5 credits
Fundamental Immunology I
Fundamental Immunology II



Biological Weill Cornell
HINF 5012 3 credits Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Spring Quantitative Weill Cornell
CS 5112 3 credits Algorithms and Data Structures for Applications Fall Quantitative Cornell Tech
CS 5650 3 credits Virtual and Augmented Reality Fall Quantitative Cornell Tech
CS 5787 3 credits Deep Learning Spring Quantitative Cornell Tech
CS 5781 3 credits Machine Learning Engineering Fall Quantitative Cornell Tech
CS 5727 3 credits Optimization Methods Fall Quantitative Cornell Tech
INFO 5600 3 credits AI in Healthcare Fall Quantitative Cornell Tech

Rockefeller University

For more information about RU classes, please download the course brochure (pdf file).

Course Code Credits Course Name     Offered Category Campus
RU 1 credit Mathematical Modeling Spring Quantitative Rockefeller
RU 5.5 credits Cell Biology Spring Biological Rockefeller
RU 1.5 credits Cellular and Organismal Metabolism Winter Biological Rockefeller
RU 1.5 credits Development of CNS Circuits Winter Quantitative Rockefeller
RU 2 credits Microbial Pathogenesis Spring Biological Rockefeller
RU 2.5 credits Molecular Basis of Cancer Spring Biological Rockefeller
RU 2.5 credits Stem Cells in Tissue Morphogenesis and Cancer Fall Biological Rockefeller
RU 2 credits Virology Spring Biological Rockefeller
RU 2.5 credits Biochemical & Biophysical Methods I Fall Biological Rockefeller

CBM Required Seminars

In addition to the 4 required courses in Year 1, students must also complete the following seminar and program requirements.

Course Code Credits Course Name Offered Campus
TPCM 5001.01 0.5 credits CBM Seminar and Journal Club I Fall Weill Cornell
RCRP 9010.01 1 credit Tri-Institutional Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Fall & Spring Weill Cornell
TPCM 5004.01 0.5 credits CBM Seminar and Journal Club II Spring Weill Cornell
PBSB 9007 1 credit Critical Dissection of Scientific Data Spring Weill Cornell

Additional Program Requirements

Dates Research Seminar Requirements
Years 2-5 CBM Annual RCR Case-Study Refresher (2-hour workshop)
All Years CBM Student Research in Progress Seminar Series
All Years CBM Annual Symposium


If a student selects a thesis mentor at Weill Cornell or Sloan Kettering, they join the Weill Cornell Graduate School, a partnership with Sloan Kettering Institute; if thesis research is to be conducted at The Rockefeller University, student joins the David Rockefeller Graduate Program in Bioscience.  When a student selects a thesis mentor in Cornell Ithaca, they are affiliated with the Computational Biology Field.  Regardless of where the student is based, all are considered trainees in the CBM program.

Admissions to Candidacy Exam (NYC and Ithaca)

Deadline: June 30 of 2nd year
NYC-based students will write and defend a thesis proposal for their Admission to Candidacy Examination (ACE); Ithaca-based students will complete their A Exam. These exams must be successfully completed and registered according to the guidelines of the graduate school in which the student is matriculated. Originals of all required forms must be filed with the appropriate graduate school, and duplicates must be filed with the CBM office.

Thesis Committee Meetings

Thesis Committee meetings are required at least every 12 months in Years 3 and 4, then at least every 6 months in Year 5 and beyond; thesis committee reports must be filed with CBM and the graduate school in which the student is enrolled.


Prior to choosing a thesis laboratory, students complete research rotations with faculty of their choosing. These rotations provide the student the opportunity to experience a range of thesis research options and thereby enable an informed thesis laboratory decision.

Students must complete at least 3 rotations (in Ithaca and/or NYC) in their first 12 months in the program (beginning in August). Dates may be modified after consultation with CBM Co-Directors.

Find out more in the Timeline.


A student-organized retreat is held off-site every summer to bring together students from the three institutions. The 2-day event features a keynote speaker (selected and invited by students), alumni panel, oral presentations and a poster session. Student and faculty sessions are scheduled to discuss any changes to program structure and other suggestions to improve the overall training experience. In addition, the event provides students with time for recreational activities and other social events.